Joan of Arc’s execution date was finalized on May 28, 1431. Brookelynn was born on May 28, 2003.
Coincidence? I think not.
Brookelynn, obviously a descendant (or possible 600 year late reincarnation?) of Joan, is a senior at San Clemente High School. She plays Girl’s Lacrosse and is the proud President of Carrot Club. She enjoys reading, writing, and listening to music. Although she’s not too good at it, she also loves to surf. She is a history fan-girl (hence, Joan of Arc reference).
Having an interest in journalism, Brookelynn joined the Triton Times in hopes to improve her craft and reach an audience of her peers through her words. She will be attending Jacksonville University after she graduates, where she will double major in History and Secondary Education, and play for their Women’s Lacrosse Program. After college, she hopes to teach internationally at military bases and write freelance.
she is so awesome