Ultra-processed foods are killing us

Jordyn Banks | Writer May 16, 2024 If you pick up items in your pantry, you are likely unable to pronounce half the ingredients listed on the back. The truth is that food has gotten […]

Prom then and now

Chloe Gerhard | Writer May 21, 2024 Prom is a night to remember filled with dancing, music, and lasting memories. Its initial concept may be timeless. However, this American rite of passage has had many […]

Dealing with stress before finals week

Arantza Villarroel | Writer May 9, 2024 Finals week will start in the blink of an eye, and as students our main responsibility is to prepare, both subject-wise, but also mentally. Such an exhausting week […]

Hot yoga and its benifits

Claire Hedger | Arts & Entertainment Manager/Social Media Manager May 2, 2024 I’m sure most people have heard or tried yoga at least once in their life. Yoga, known for its gentle stretches and challenging […]

Debriefing senior week

Blake McAlpin | Student Life Editor May 3, 2024 Towards the end of each school year, San Clemente High puts on a Senior Week. During Senior Week, each day has a dress-up theme that coincides […]

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