Nicolle Generaux | A&E Editor
February 4, 2022
The major transition from middle school to high school is a scary thought for any student, and this year’s eight graders are no exception. Coming into a new school with over 3,000 students is definitely intimidating, but San Clemente High School is determined to help the incoming class become comfortable on our campus and ready for next school year. Last Wednesday, 8th graders took their first step in the high school experience by attending the 8th Grade Expo.
The purpose of this event was to get the incoming freshman, as well as their parents, excited about our school by giving them information about our academics and extracurriculars. Teachers, Link Crew leaders, and ASB members set up this activity on the football field, equipped with music, balloons, and lights.
“The expo is helpful because it allows parents and students to get a better understanding of how the campus works and what to expect once they come to high school,” said junior Jill Mitrevski, a Link Crew leader who volunteered at the expo this year. “Also, the expo is a great chance to explore and sign up for programs 8th graders are interested in that may not be at the middle schools.”

As middle schoolers from Bernice Ayer, Vista Del Mar, and Shorecliffs lined the football stadium bleachers, cheerleaders were there to welcome them with a quick routine. They were quickly followed by performances from the drum line, the dance team, musical theater, and Madrigals. These presentations were meant to entertain the attendees and set an exciting tone for the expo plus showcase our visual and performing arts programs at SCHS.
Throughout the next hour or so, SCHS Principal Carter and other faculty members explained our school’s legacy to the middle schoolers (or more accurately, their parents). This includes our academic standards and achievements, our preparation programs for college like after-school tutoring, the dual immersion program, our empathetic counselors, excellent teachers, and more. They also touched on the overall environment of our school, the exciting spirit, the inspiring atmosphere, and our connection and support of the San Clemente community.
Finally, after the demonstration part of the event, the wide-eyed middle schoolers were encouraged to explore and learn more about our core classes (English, math, science, etc.) and extracurricular activities, including sports teams and visual/performing art groups by coming to the booths on the other side of the field. Each program had its own booth with dedicated students and faculty spreading information and positivity. The booths held informational flyers of each activity, and sports/extracurricular activities held sign up sheets. Plus, families were able to actually talk to SCHS students and coaches in these activities who were running the booths.
“The 8th grade expo gives them [incoming students] a little glimpse into what SCHS is all about and all the fun and engaging programs we have,” said junior Carissa Johnston, who was working at the tennis booth at the expo. “I remember liking the eight grade expo because seeing the different sports and hearing about all the different classes at SCHS made me start getting super excited to be a high schooler.”
Around 1,200 middle schoolers and their families showed up to the expo, completely filling up the home side of the bleachers. We are excited for most of them to become a part of the SCHS class of 2026, carrying on our great legacy.
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