Kat Piantka | News Editor
February 1, 2024
While some may argue that a Stanely Tumbler is comparable to any other water bottle, this iconic water bottle has taken the nation by storm. The desired product floods the market and has become a necessary accessory among teen girls and even boys after going viral in the summer of 2022, influencing all audiences to participate in the newest water bottle trend.
Although the water bottle started gaining popularity in 2017, there was no widespread craze till years later, and now it is nearly impossible to avoid a Stanely sighting in public. The water bottle’s bright colors, varying patterns, and unique body style with multiple different styles attract all different kinds of users. The water bottle has become a key part of pop culture worldwide as people eagerly join the Stanely community and constantly add to their collections with every new release.
Shockingly, the tumblers are now being questioned for their safety and whether they contain lead or pose a risk of lead poisoning, creating a frenzy among users and chaos on the internet. Any slight traces of lead could put the millions of people who caved into the Stanley mania at risk of serious health problems.

However, experts have weighed into the discussion and have answered the question of the hour that has caused concern among Americans, concluding that these beloved water bottles do not contain lead. A Stanely spokesperson clarified that at the bottom of the quencher bottle, “there is a circular barrier made of stainless steel, which covers a pellet that contains lead,” but the lead is not accessible unless the stainless steel barrier comes off the bottom, which is highly unlikely. This area would never come in contact with the liquid in the water bottle.
As a Stanely enthusiast, I decided to confirm these studies by conducting my own experiment with an at-home-led test kit on three different popular water bottles: the Yeti, Stanely, and Hydroflask. According to the lead test kit, the test swabs will turn light yellow or yellow if no lead is present and a dark red or purple color indicates a high presence of lead. After multiple trials, my results concluded that all three water bottles have negative lead detection with only slight variations in the shades of yellow.

Proving that not only Stanelys, but other popular reusable water bottles are all safe for use, removing all concerns from all Stanely lovers such as freshman Addy Carey. Addy is an adamant “Stanely stan” who will never be found on campus without her iconic cup in her hand. She appreciated how “convenient and functional Stanely’s are [compared to other water bottles] with the removable lid, a straw, and a handle.” Not only are these water bottles very practical but they are “trendy and cute” among highschoolers.
While this freshman’s opinion is fairly representative of most student’s opinion on this water bottle, there are a handful of Stanely haters who prefer their Hydroflasks or Yeti like sophomore Sawyer Dimick. She is a critic of the most popular Stanely, the Quencher which “leak[s] all over the place” and forces users to have to “carry them around.” Not only is their design faulty, but they are massive in size, which causes some teachers to complain that “Stanely’s are a monument on a desk” as they clutter classrooms.
Whether you are a Stanely fan or are indifferent towards the water bottle, all people can argue that they have dominated the internet and have significantly affected pop culture as nearly all teenage girls have fallen victim to the Stanely Pandemic. Their abundance of colors, sizes, styles, and uniqueness has influenced other companies such as Hydroflask to create similar-looking tumblers.
With the dismissal of the potential lead presence in Stanely Cups, customers across the globe have been reassured, but does this signal the beginning of the expiring Stanely Cup trend?
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