Bella Hirtzel | Writer & Emma Sutherland | Writer
September 10, 2024
Do you find yourself at Starbucks more often in Fall?

When the autumn season comes around, almost everyone leans into the cozy, pumpkin spice, and Halloween vibes. With fall right around the corner, it is a common trend for Starbucks to expand their menus. It is not a surprise that Starbucks’ business increases with just with the “Pumpkin Spice Latte,” regardless of the other menu additions. Just by walking around town, you can spot a seasonal drink almost anywhere. Most girls in class have pumpkin coffee sitting on their desk, or a mom walking through Target has it sitting in her cart’s cup holder. Knowing there is an expansion on Starbucks menus, do you find yourself ordering more coffees when the new autumn menu returns?
Students at San Clemente High School conducted interviews around the school asking other students their opinions on how they feel about the new fall menu coming out. Most of these students agreed on the fact that they see themselves going to Starbucks more during the fall season. Maddie Davis, a sophomore student at San Clemente High School, says fall drinks make her feel “warm and cozy” and wishes the pumpkin flavor would “last all year.” The transition from summer to fall initiates a change in what people are eating and drinking. For example, as said by Maddie Davis, “in summer more people are craving a fruity drink like a strawberry refresher” while in fall “a pumpkin spice latte fits the warm cozy vibe.”
It is with this comment that Maddie shows her love for Starbucks especially during the fall season. In another interview with Lily McGee, a sophomore at San Clemente High School, she says she “finds herself spending the most money at Starbucks during the fall season.” Lily’s statement is another example of how Starbucks receives more customers throughout the autumn and Halloween season.
Yes, it is known Starbucks is successful all year around, but there is no question that business spikes during fall. These student’s opinions show a mutual agreement that in fall they find themselves returning to Starbucks multiple times a week. Along with this, almost all the SCHS girls who were interviewed agreed that the Pumpkin Spice Latte was their favorite. Not only this, but they also agreed to have returned to Starbucks more during fall than any other time of year. Ultimately proving that Starbucks business is increasing the most during fall rather than any other time of year.
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