Sophie Lebourgeois | A&E Editor
September 16, 2024
Suspense hanging in the crisp autumn air, the blaring lights of the football field, parents looking onward with heartwarming nostalgia, and everyone buzzing with the energy and anticipation of the moment. This is the announcement of Homecoming King and Queen, and whether you’re nominated or not, it is something unforgettable each year. With the esteemed announcement on September 20th approaching, and the top fifteen nominees recently released, a familiar buzz has taken hold across campus as students prepare for the upcoming event.
The Top 15 are as follows:
The boy candidates include Marcos Duzman, Blake Hogan, Owen Hornig, Colin Kohl, Colin Lederer, Jack Loper, Caleb Perez, Noah Rail, Jack Ramos, Kaden Raymond, Charlie Stevens, Lincoln Stone, Finn Thomas, Gavin Unger, and Luke Wagner.
The girl candidates include Elizabeth Africa, Tessa Arciniega, Ishanika Babhania, Emma Barbernell, Mia Candolo, Avery Colson, Elizabeth Cook, Tessa Fradella, Emry Insley, Taegan Johnson, Hannah Johnston, Annalise LaFollette, Kylie Marcisz, Emma Marquis, Sadie Moody, Sophia Rodgers, and Stella Snyder.
But something is slightly different about this year’s Top 15 buzz, and at the forefront of the discussion is ASB. The Top 15 voting took place with a pool of over 700 senior students to choose from, but of them, 14 of the 32 nominees turned out to be students in ASB. 12 of them are girls in ASB, while several of the boy nominations happen to be their boyfriends.

Is it a coincidence that most of the candidates are of such close relation?
The Associated Student Body (ASB) at San Clemente High School is a tight-knit group that works hard to organize events and foster Triton spirit across campus and beyond. Naturally, they are the students most involved in events such as sports games, fundraisers, and school dances. It is without doubt that these are hardworking and involved students that deserve the recognition that the title of Homecoming Queen/King grants. Therefore, with the release of 2024 Homecoming queen and king candidates, it comes as no surprise that most of their names are on the list.
Senior Mia Candolo, a Homecoming Queen candidate and leader of our school’s Loud Crowd, stated “I think being a part of the Loud Crowd has contributed to my nomination because I’m always cheering at the games.”
Senior and Link Crew associate Marcos Duzman said, “I didn’t think I was going to get nominated, as I thought people would mainly vote for couples.” He continued, “I think I got nominated because some of my friends thought it would be funny to see me win.”
It seems to be that the Senior Class wants to see either a couple, an ASB member, or both winning Homecoming Queen and King. To this end, it is no shock that since ASB members are such a prominent part of school events that they would have recognizable names for the student body to vote for. Regardless of the motivations, if you want to see your favorite winning, make sure to vote them for Top 5 this Tuesday and patiently await the announcement of the 2024 Homecoming King and Queen this upcoming Friday at the football game!
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