Emma Sutherland | Writer
November 22, 2024
As the school year continues, finding the motivation to do your homework at the same bland desk or depressing dining room table can be increasingly difficult to find. Many would agree on the fact that finding a calming and relaxing spot to nestle down in can help one’s ability to “lock in” on homework and studying. As Tritons begin to approach finals week, finding a tranquil solace study spot is crucial.
A solution to this conflict is Beach Road’s parking lot, which is one of the best study spots in San Clemente. Take an ethereal drive down beautiful PCH, and turn onto Beach Road. The parking spots line up directly in front of the sand, giving the appearance from your car window that you seem to be on the sand. Still not cozy enough? Back your car in, open the trunk with a couple of warm blankets, and watch the sunset as you finish up your essay.

There is a subtle lull of the ocean breeze rustling through the palm tree leaves, and the ocean waves offer a state of languor. This state of relaxation is an absolute necessity when reviewing for AP/IB classes. The beautiful environment of Beach Road truly helps me keep my composure when I’m stressing over an upcoming quiz or test. To better your studying experience, bring a warm beverage to sip. My go-to study drink is a warm mint tea or a seasonal hot latte from my favorite coffee shop. By choosing to study in a peaceful environment and bringing treats for yourself, the idea of studying becomes less of a chore and more of a fun activity!
The long parking strip offers places to park all around and has many accessible bathrooms. This makes the Beach Road location not only beautiful but also makes it seem less desolate and deserted. Junior Ashton Nelson, stated “Beach Road is [her] favorite place to lock in for AP Chem” due to the zen environment which is “somewhere [Nelson] look[s] forward to going, it almost makes [her] want to study.” Nelson’s comments resonate with another student, Molly Whidden. When asked about her studying at Beach Road, Whidden remarked, “It’s so calming. [She] feel[s] like [she] could sit there and study for hours on end without even realizing it.”
Beach Road is solace and tranquil. The equable location is a hidden gem within San Clemente and is truly one of the best places to study in San Clemente.
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