By: Andrew de Koeyer | Writer
February 28, 2020
According to a top CDC official, a coronavirus outbreak in the United States is now “inevitable.” With now sixty confirmed cases in the country, and over 80,000 cases worldwide, the disease has displayed substantial growth since the first confirmed case on January 11th of this year. In response, the stock market has experienced a major hit, with its worst single-day drop since 2011. As the global community begins taking serious combative and preventative action, the Trump Administration has aimed to do the same.
President Trump has named Vice-President Mike Pence as the coordinator of the administration’s coronavirus response team. This decision came following a change in management on the issue from within the White House. Trump, in a press Conference on Wednesday, claimed Pence “has a certain talent this.” Some are not so confident in the President’s decision. Pence has displayed a troubling record with public health, mainly involving his mismanagement of the HIV outbreak during his time as governor of Indiana.
During the press conference, the president hoped to ensure the American people, and more specifically investors, that the administration would be allocating all the necessary resources, funding, and leadership the issue may require.
“The president needed to do this. The economic growth we have experienced is the backbone of his reelection campaign,” San Clemente High School senior Trey Benedict said. “He can’t have uncertainty with investors threatening this.”

Despite the President’s confidence during the Wednesday press conference, markets recorded substantial losses the following day. This comes as multiple companies have announced a slow or even halt in production at Chinese factories. Furthermore, as the virus spreads to countries such as Saudi Arabia and Italy, the future for many global industries is uncertain, which is very worrisome for investors.
The President has promised the American people that the situation is under control, however, only time will tell how prepared our country will truly be. “It’s best to just sit tight, not get too worried, and see how this all plays out,” SCHS senior Nicholas Francis said.
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