Danielle Generaux | Student Life Editor
September 26, 2021
Everyone loves football games, even if they do not know how the sport works. It’s full of excitement and school spirit, the one high school sport that rallies hundreds of supporters. Let’s face it, most people love to shout “I believe that we will win!” and “one town, one team!” at the top of their lungs. Part of the ultimate high school experience is being in the rowdy student section.
But what makes a student section so hype? The theme.
The theme allows everyone to come together and dress alike to support their local team. There have already been three home football games that took place with the themes of safari, camouflage, and neon. “Usually Loud Crowd selects a group of themes and people within ASB do a vote,” senior Haley Sandstrom, a member of ASB, said. “Safari was really popular, as it was something different and a new theme we haven’t really done before.”

This past Friday, the theme was neon, and the Tritons did not disappoint, decked out in bright yellow, green, pink, and orange. “I was really excited for the neon game,” senior Sami Chang said. “It was great seeing all of the colors in the stands to support the team.”
Here is a list of all of the upcoming home football games and their themes:
Tritons vs. Loyola HS, Homecoming
On October 1, the theme of the homecoming football game is Triton travel. In this theme, each student class has been assigned a state: freshmen (Class of 2025) are California, sophomores (Class of 2024) are Texas, juniors (Class of 2023) are Hawaii, and seniors (Class of 2022) are New York. The homecoming dance will take place the next day.
“I’m really looking forward to the homecoming game,” Chang said. “It’s so much fun to watch, be in the dance, and see all of the different classes dressed up in their theme.”
Tritons vs. San Juan Hills HS
On October 15, the theme of the football game is pink out. This theme is pretty self-explanatory — wear all pink! The theme is pink to raise awareness for breast cancer as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Tritons vs. Tesoro HS
On October 22, the theme of the football game is jersey wear. Represent your favorite professional team as the Tritons play their last home game of the season!
Come support the Varsity Football Team and be a part of San Clemente High School’s Loud Crowd!
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