Avery Kearl | Writer
December 9th, 2022
The Christmas season is here, and for students, that means midterms. The week before the semester ends is dedicated to testing the students on all the material learned during the school year. It’s one of the most stressful weeks for many of us.
Winter break is a time for students and teachers to spend with family and friends, catch up on their favorite tv shows, and mentally recover from the semester. But before that, many students study rigorously until the hour of their final exams.
Many students with full schedules and procrastination problems tend to cram in last-minute preparation the weekend before the final, sometimes even the night before. The steps to avoid that are as follows: create a layout of what and when to study, maximize study sessions by avoiding all distractions, and remember to breathe.
“If you’re not given a study guide by your teacher, find one online. After you complete your study, sometimes redo it a few more times depending on how well you understand the material,” junior Spencer Matta recommended.
Local coffee shops like Zebra House and Sur Coffee are quiet

sanctuaries for anyone needing a place to get away in order to complete their work. They may be extra helpful to any students that have difficulty staying away from their TV when they are meant to be doing work.
Junior Ryan Kieffer’s biggest tip is to, “take into account which finals you have on which days. That way you can spend your time wisely.”
Beloved teacher, Profé, recommends going on walks and taking breaks in these stressful times.
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