Daniella Flores | News Editor & Publicity Manager
January 13, 2023
On Sunday, January 8, hundreds of people stormed the seats of power in support of Brazil’s former leader, Jair Bolsonaro. In the capital of Brasilia, people could be seen trashing governmental offices and drawing condemnation from the government and the international community.
Since then, more than a thousand people have been arrested following the Sunday riots. The attacks came a week after the inauguration of Lula da Silva. In October, Silva won the runoff election over Bolsonaro after a 12-year hiatus.
Massive crowds of people can be seen walking up a ramp to the congressional building to the Green Room, which is located outside the lower House of Congress’ chamber, in footage from the Sunday attacks. Outlets also show people entering the Supreme Court and presidential palace.
Protesters were able to activate the sprinkler system and flood the floor of the Congress building when they set fire to the carpet. They also could be seen taking gifts received from international delegations and destroying artwork.
“I had heard about the events in Brazil, but thought to myself there is no way people would actually do things like that in any government building,” San Clemente High School senior Kate De Vore said.

Protesters completely destroyed the building as urine, blood, and feces could be found in the palace rooms. Brazil’s Presidential Communications Minister Paulo Pimenta described that they were running down hallways on “one destruction spree.”
The protesters are made up of supporters of ex-President Jair Bolsonaro. Their resentment towards the new President Lula da Silva has been apparent since the election in October.
During the months leading up to his election, Bolsonaro frequently voiced his concern for the legitimacy of the vote. Thus, he blamed his loss on election fraud. Similar to his ally Donald Trump after the results of the 2020 election. Many believe that the events which occurred on Sunday in Brazil resemble the insurrection in the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.
“I definitely think what happened here on January 6th had to somewhat inspire what happened in Brazil on Sunday,” SCHS freshman Eric Flores said.
While many arrests have already been made, law enforcement will continue to make arrests, and those arrested will pay for their participation in the crimes committed.
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