Sienna Taus | Student Life Editor
January 25, 2024
The first day back from winter break, Monday (1/22), was the first and last day of the strike organized by the California State University (CSU) workforce. The main goal of the strike was better pay for the workforce, more mental health counselors for students, semester-long paid parental leave, and other concessions.
CSU Chancellor Mildred García came out with a statement regarding the strike ending: “The agreement enables the CSU to fairly compensate its valued, world-class faculty while protecting the university system’s long-term financial sustainability. With the agreement in place, I look forward to advancing our student-centered work as the nation’s greatest driver of social mobility and the pipeline fueling California’s diverse and educated workforce.”
The CSU is known for producing high-quality education for reasonable prices. The CSU system serves more than 460,000 students and of those, 81% of students receive financial aid. Also, 61% of undergraduate students have their

whole tuition covered. SCHS teacher Mr. Salway commented, “We like the idea of higher wages but we also want lower costs for schools so there is a disconnect.” Although, ironically, the CSU is planning on raising tuition costs shortly by 6% starting in the fall of 2024.
“These schools are known to students as affordable while still getting a decent education. If they continue to raise tuition every year, it creates fewer and fewer options for people who cannot afford expensive schools,” commented senior Luke Adams.
There was an agreement between the California Faculty Association (CFA) and management that was met. This agreement ensures a 5% raise for all staff members which will start on July 1, 2023, and promises another 5% increase on July 1, 2024.
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