Saltburn review


ANIMATED beginning credits of the chaotic film Saltburn. (PRINT Magazine)

Emma Barbernell | Writer & Photographer

January 27, 2024

Bored rotten tomato users are saying how the movie Saltburn is a bad remake of The Talented Mr. Ripley; however, on the contrary, I am here to say that it is one of the best movies of the year. And with that, the most egregiously misunderstood. It is an adaptation of Greek mythology, starring: Jacob Elordi, 6 feet and 5 inches of pure talent and good looks. This film pushes boundaries, in almost all areas with mystery, sex, and thrill. The way the story is told is similar to a fable or folktale, with symbolism throughout the entirety of the film. The first sweet 30 minutes of the movie led the audience to question whether it was a coming-of-age or possible love story. However, it was neither. Maybe the coming age of a sociopath?

BEHIND THE SCENES: Shot on beautiful 35m film. (BTL News)

The disturbing scenes in the movie, most were left exasperated– some so much that they even left the theater altogether. But isn’t that almost the point of this movie? It is supposed to make you uncomfortable and leave you second-guessing; we watch physiological thrillers and overall dark movies to feel uneasy. This film is not trying to replicate The Talented Mr. Ripley, and although it was definitely an influence, it is more of a dark comedy of pure unadulterated desire. It is a commentary on the the hell-cycle of capitalism that is stopping us from living in a better world. Oliver (the main character) is not impoverished: he is an upper-middle-class individual who craves more and more until he ultimately sells his soul. 

“It really wasn’t as disturbing as people said it was,” said senior Gisele Galbasini (known for having wild takes on films). “The grave scene was like an average Tuesday for me.”

The media raved about Saltburn, creating trends of videos of people’s shocked faces leaving the theater and recording reaction videos to the disturbing scenes. 

Sophomore Elliot Hastings considered, “Saltburn to be a great conversation starter.” This movie is a very layered and thematically rich film. It is shot beautifully on 35m film, presenting the film in a rich, colorful pictures. Although Saltburn had its jarring moments, it was an entertaining and chaotic watch. My only advice is that you don’t watch this with your parents. 

About Emma Barbernell 11 Articles
Emma Barbernell is a junior and first year newspaper photographer and writer at SCHS. She prides herself in being a thrift master and spends her time dirtying her hands in the Goodwill bins. On an off day you might catch her looking like Adam Sandler, or if you're lucky an off duty model. You can also find her low balling questionable resellers at any of the local flea markets. When she's not getting deals you can find her long boarding at San-O, rock climbing, collecting vinyl, cooking, arguing with her parents, lifting, hammocking with her dog, and learning guitar from Lindsay Coulson. After high school, she plans to see the world and take pictures while doing it.

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