Gypsy Rose released from prison

RELEASE: Gypsy Rose and her husband greeted by paparazzi following her release. (Vox)

Claire Hedger| Arts & Entertainment Editor and Social Media Manager

January 25, 2024

On December 28, 2023, Gypsy Rose Blanchard was officially released on parole after serving eight of her ten-year sentence. Upon reentering society, Gypsy Rose’s presence on social platforms has sparked widespread discussion, reflecting a mix of support, curiosity, and criticism from the online community. Despite her immense popularity recently, many are still unaware of her story. 

“I had never heard of the Gypsy Rose case until I heard people talking about her release,” said senior Naomi Villerete. 

For years, Gypsy Rose was presented to the world as terminally ill, confined to a wheelchair, and subjected to unnecessary medical treatments and surgeries. However, the truth was far darker than anyone could have imagined: Gypsy Rose was healthy, capable of walking, and yearned for independence from her mother’s toxic and controlling grip. Her mother’s behavior was later identified as actions caused by her medical condition, Munchausen by proxy.

DEEDEE: Gypsy and mom DeeDee pictured amid their scandal. (

The turning point in this harrowing tale came in 2015, when Gypsy Rose and her then-boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, devised a plan to murder Dee Dee Blanchard. The plan was brutally executed, leading to Dee Dee’s death and the subsequent arrest of both Gypsy Rose and Godejohn. Gypsy Rose was sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to second-degree murder, a sentence that many saw as lenient, considering the extent of the abuse she endured.

The release of Gypsy Rose Blanchard is a moment marked with complexity. It raises questions about justice, rehabilitation, and the capacity for healing after enduring such profound abuse. As she reenters society, Gypsy Rose faces the challenge of rebuilding her life, a task that is daunting yet filled with the promise of new beginnings. “I feel like she is getting a lot of unnecessary hate. She’s just trying to get caught up on reality,” said junior Taylor Hernandez. Her case has sparked widespread discussion about the criminal justice system, the recognition of psychological abuse, and the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals from exploitation.

As we reflect on her story, it’s crucial to consider the lessons it teaches us about compassion, understanding, and the complex interplay between victimhood and accountability.

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