How you should prepare for Senior Assassins

SENIOR ASSASSINS: Four men shooting their shot to win the ultimate prize. (hometownlife)

Trevor Ponsen | Writer

February 15, 2024

As graduation is just around the corner and seniors prepare to leave high school behind, it means that a climactic competition is about to take center stage. In this momentous farewell, the seniors of San Clemente are gearing up for a thrilling and unpredictable game: Senior Assassins.

The game puts every player in the position of hunter and prey as they track down their target while also working to avoid their assailant. Armed with nothing other than a water gun, goggles, and floaties, people are put in a game of life or death. The tradition has been one that most people look forward to for all four years of high school and now the time has come for the class of 2024 to start up the practice once again.

While most seniors just buy a water gun and don’t put much thought into it other than running to their car in the morning and asking around for someone’s address, there are a few key things everyone can do to seriously improve their chances of survival.

The first step is to make sure that your home along with your schedule is hidden. This means turning off Snap Maps or Life360 for your friends. On top of this, it’s good to gather people’s information now before they seal away the information. Personally, I stalk everyone’s Snap Maps and have been logging it for weeks now, knowing exactly where someone will be at what time and where their home is.

Another key part of the game is having friends go through the game with you. If you are asking about your target, it’ll give away that you’re going after them. A good group of people who can do each other’s research without the risk of being caught will take you far in the game.

GEAR UP: Floaties, goggles, and a squirt gun are all a senior needs. (Talie Folsom)

On top of allies, gear is something that can be a game-changer. Buy the best guns at Walmart or Target before other people can get to them. When asked how he has prepared, senior August Austin responded with, “I have 12 loaded water guns on my person at all times of day.”

A pistol water gun would work best as you need to be able to record with your phone in one hand and be strapped up in the other. Floaties and goggles are a must-have for people if they want some type of protection. These should be glued to your body at all times of day and night, as you never know what could happen and who could be sneaking up on you. One type of gear that people overlook is something like a ski mask. Whether you’re attempting to assassinate your target and fail or just going about your day, it’s important to conceal your identity.

The most important factor of the game is someone’s grit and will to stay in it. “I’m ready to spill blood, tears, and water to win it,” said future competitor, senior Munroe Kraus.

It comes down to how serious are you willing to take this and whether or not you’ll hide outside of someone’s house in a gillie suit ready to pounce for 8 hours at a time. You have to be the best. And when August Austin and others are “becoming mentally insane and willing to camp outside someone’s house for up to 48 hours” just for victory, it’s going to be a tough competition.

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