By: Renee Malone | Writer & Lauren Stewart | Writer and Photographer
September 28th,2017
With the beginning of another year at San Clemente High School, students look to expand their involvement on and off campus through extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs. Luckily, SCHS offers a lot of help for students looking to step out of their comfort zone. Within the first month of school, many students get the opportunity to choose between a variety of clubs on campus, anywhere from art clubs, to political clubs. These include the well-known political club, Model Congress, which recently had its first meeting September 20th to discuss their plans for the upcoming year.
In order to better understand the purpose of Model Congress and what a typical year looks like for them, we asked a few returning students what they learned and why they chose to stick around for their senior year. A common theme in their insight was the opportunity to grow closer to their peers and experience things they never would have been able to otherwise.
Chloe Kenney, senior, described her experience with Model Congress in Boston as the chance to “participate in something that assimilates real life experiences and jobs, while making connections with students from all over the country.” She recommends joining Model Congress as soon as possible because the connections students make within the club can “last a lifetime,” along with the unforgettable memories.
Model Congress has taken form across campus, becoming a popular extracurricular for interested upperclassmen to explore their political side, while receiving the opportunity to fly across the country to participate in a true conference. Last year, students traveled to Boston, Massachusetts in early 2017.
Max Bettinelli, senior, explained how joining Model Congress forced him “to reach outside [his] comfort zone and participate in activities [he] never typically would.” When asked if he recommended the trip, he responded in total support of the club, explaining that students who go “will certainly return with more comfort in unusual situations.”
While this year multiple seniors are looking forward to their second trip, the club is excited to welcome new juniors and seniors into the program in order to grow its popularity on campus.
While the school year is still fresh, it’s never too late to attend Model Congress’ next meeting! Keep an eye out around the school for posters and information relating to the time and location of their next assembly. For those who are interested in stepping outside of their comfort zone or simply expanding their horizons, this is the perfect club to do so. Due to its real world significance as well as hands-on participation in political activities, Model Congress truly is a recommended experience by both students.
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