Studying for Finals


By Claire Vlasic | Writer

April 23, 2018

As the school year comes to an end, finals can be some of the most stressful weeks for many students. With four or more academic classes to balance, cramming studying into a teenagers everyday busy schedule can be quite a challenge. With sports, jobs, and other extra curricular, finding a good time to study can often be difficult; however, here are a few steps you can take to help manage your time as finals approach and stress levels increase.

  1. Prepare for your first final by gathering all the papers and practice you’ve had throughout the semester and focus on that subject.
  2. Throughout the day , peek at these practice sheets and just review them as you’re making breakfast, walking through the halls at school, or driving home.
  3. If you have work or sports, don’t worry!! That is a perfect brain break and a chance to ease your mind away from academics.
  4. When you get home from whatever you had going on in your busy day, take another thirty minutes or hour to review the subject.
  5. Make sure to eat your three meals a day and snack throughout the day so that your body doesn’t get super tired from studying and you are able to recharge.
  6. Make sure to get enough sleep! Don’t stay up late trying to absorb all the information the night before. If you study for a little bit each day, there should be no reason to study all the night before and stay up super late.
  7. Stay positive! A good attitude will get you a long way not only on tests but in general!

Studying for finals is always a stressful time, but if done the right way any student can guarantee success. From personal experience, as I’m sure most of you know as well, procrastinating very rarely ensures that you will get a high grade on your final exam. Studying over many days is always hard, but with dedication and motivation you can hunker down for the last few tests of the year.

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