Mr. Hitchcock: The new man on campus

Teacher Profile: Mr. Hitchcock

Mr. Hitchcock in his classroom, room 1015.

By: Amanda Cichewicz and Jorjiana Haumea | Photographers

October 23, 2018

San Clemente High School gained a new teacher this year, Mr. Hitchcock. Hailing from UCLA and only 25 years old, the baseball coach also teaches English I and English III. We chose to interview Mr. Hitchcock and open a window into the circumstances which shaped his career choice and how he found himself at SCHS.

Where did you go to high school?

Irvine High School – Irvine, CA

Why did you want to become a high school teacher? 

After college I started working as a website designer and I hated it. I felt like I was dedicating all of my time to something that had no impact. In my year of misery I kept thinking back to when I was 18, working as a freshman baseball coach at Irvine High School. I really loved that I was put in a position to make an impact on my players’ lives. It was that thought that guided me to quit my job and begin my credentialing program—2nd best decision I’ve ever made besides asking my fiance to marry me. When I think back to high school, I can pinpoint three teachers and one coach that I truly believe played a part in crafting who I am today. To be honest, I probably remember 10% of what I learned from them, but I’ll always remember their dedication to my education and their demand for integrity.I hope to have the same positive influence on a few of my students.

What is your teaching philosophy? 

If students can see that I am invested in their growth as people first and academics second, we are in a position for success. I really want my students to know that I am committed to their ability to navigate the world outside of high school, and so much of that demands that I keep my content as relevant as possible. That principle guides my instruction.

How do you like teaching at San Clemente so far?

It’s paradise. Being able to look out of the K-Building to see the beach is ridiculous. The students are excellent, and the staff is committed. What more could I ask for?

Outside of teaching, what are your favorite things to do?

My fiance and I like to go to Mexico with our dog. When I have time, I play video games and read books. I also watch a lot of baseball and basketball. Purchase losing lottery tickets...

Mr. Hitchcock is young, friendly, and approachable teacher which makes it easy for all his students to love him! Stop by his classroom 1015 to meet him.

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