By Emily Eberhart | Arts and Entertainment Editor
March 28, 2019
On March 16, 2019 a mere day after the tragic shooting at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand, an Australian Senator, Fraser Anning, voiced his controversial and arguably xenophobic thoughts to a camera at a conservative event in Melbourne. Anning had been speaking against gun control reform and blaming the attack on the immigration of “Muslim fanatics” to New Zealand. As a result, a local teenager filmed himself approaching the senator from behind and cracking an egg on his head as he spoke. The teenager, identified as 17-year-old, Will Connolly, has been deemed “egg boy” and is receiving praise around the world for defending Muslims and stirring controversy with the “crack heard round the world,” if you will.
“Egg boy popped off and I’m proud of him because xenophobic people need to be super cancelled,” said senior Alex Blackwill.
While his effort to silence an anti-Muslim voice brought plenty of cause for applause and gratitude from those who were affected by the traumatic events, Connolly realized that his video had gone viral and was embarrassed as he feared that he was drawing too much attention away from the shooting itself. But, in his support, a GoFundMe page set to raise AU$2,000 for “legal fees” and “more eggs” for Connolly was set up anonymously and quickly reached AU$80,000. The teen has recently announced that all collected money will go directly to the victims of the horrific attack in Christchurch.
Though the whole ordeal created quite a stir of voices debating whether or not Connolly’s actions were acceptable, he has handled the effects of the egging with grace and, as senior Evan Dillbeck would put it, “eggcellent eggsecution.”
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