Ask Winter – Advice Column

Hey Winter,

I want to ask my crush to formal but I don’t know how, any ideas?

Dear Open-minded,

Well for a start, it’s always a good idea to ask mutual friends for things that he/she likes or is interested in. If you have any connection with their family that is also a major plus and you need to pump them for information as well. A few ideas I have seen used so far this year include Krispy Creme donuts spelling out “Formal?”, a football with the word “Formal?” bedazzled on it, and a Starbucks cup with the question on it was cute too. However, here are a few more ideas to get you started:

  • Go on a picnic: Invite him on a picnic, and have a piece of paper inside the basket saying ‘Formal?’ He’ll be pleasantly surprised and you’ll have a date to formal.
  • Use a game: Have your crush and a small group of friends over to hang out. Bring out some cards that you have modified to help you ask your crush. Try something along the lines of dealing out the cards and having only the ones you deal to him, spell out formal in his hands. If no one wants to play a card game to begin with, a simple game of charades should definitely do the trick.
  • Surroundings: Going someplace he loves, you can use your surroundings to help you out. If he likes to run on the beach trail, you can tape letters to the palm trees along the way asking him to formal with you. It’ll be cuter if you’re right there running next to him when he sees them.

Hope this helps



Dear Winter,

How do I get my desperate ex-boyfriend from middle school to realize that I’m no longer interested?

Dear Agitated,

This sounds like a sticky situation if you want to avoid hurting his feelings… but as always, the best way to deal with a problem is to confront it head on. Coming clean and letting him know that what he’s doing is not okay is key. You’ve got to talk to him and set a straight and clear line so he knows just how far he’s gone. It doesn’t all have to be bad though. You could offer to help him find someone that would make him happy. Make sure to come off as friendly but not flirty.

Hope this helps


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