Grace Parry | Writer
January 28, 2021
To most, movies are just a way to have fun, relax, or experience things they would not be able to on their own, but to one San Clemente student, watching movies is not just a fun pastime. Senior Egan Smith watches, reviews, and analyzes the cinematography of movies in his downtime and hopes to become part of the film industry after he graduates.

Before the COVID-19 school shutdown last year, Smith was a long time member of the track team and enjoyed “the simple things like track meets and lunch with [his] friends,” but has since quit to focus on preparing for his life after he graduates.
Even before everything was shut down from the pandemic, Smith had been reviewing movies for over a year. Over quarantine his reviews gained momentum and his life became full of watching and reviewing as many good films as he could, as well as traveling when possible because many of his former favorite activities were restricted.
His favorite film is “definitely Blade Runner 2049,” but he doesn’t have a favorite genre. Smith loves all parts of the film industry and is interested mainly in “directing, reviewing, producing, or cinematography.” He watches and reviews popular, famous, old, new, and unheard of movies of all genres, from all different directors, and by all different actors, bringing attention to different styles of cinematography.
Smith’s plans for the future are not like most other seniors. “I’m not planing to go to college and moving right into the film making industry right out of high school,” he said. Smith admires “the variety and individuality that is shown by each creative team,” and hopes to be able to share his passion and the art of film with the rest of the world.
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