Tyler Pearce | Head Editor
November 4th, 2022
We all know Mariah Carey for her amazing vocal range and catchy songs; but what keeps her in all of our Holliday playlists? Why are we all so obsessed with her song ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’?

Her song originally came out in 1994, and still today hasn’t lost popularity (28 years after the drop date). A strategy Mariah has embodied is making collaborations with other popular artists. For example, Mariah and Justin Bieber had an ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ collaboration back in 2011 (Bieber’s prime). Predictably, thanks to Mariah’s extremely catchy tone and lyrics, many people across the world consider her song a Christmas staple. Even staff from San Clemente high school agree. “Mariah Carey is perfection” stated Mr. Smith.
With the popularity of the song, means that to many people it can come off as repetitive and possibly annoying. One junior found this song to be “overhyped and overplayed”. This perspective proves the point that although many people find ‘All I Want for Christmas is You’ a Christmas staple, it is still not for everyone.

Mariah’s song shows no signs of slowing down in streams. The song has an average of 31 million streams a year, and this is mainly just around the holiday months of November and December. Her total number of streams on Spotify total to just over one billion.
Without a doubt you will be hearing ‘All I want for Christmas is You’ this holiday season. Either get excited, or cover your ears because Mariah is coming to sing you a song this Christmas season.
Amazing headline. Claire and I watched Mariah’s Holiday Special last year (I think it was last year?). It was quite a show. A lot of Mariah in one sitting. Some might say… too much. But it DID get us in the holiday spirit.