USC cancels graduation: is it fair?

USC Cancels Main Graduation Ceremony as Arrests at Universities Pile Up - WSJ
APRIL 24, 2024: conflict between pro-Palestinian supporters and officers. (The Wall Street Journal)

Olivia Vergopia | Head Editor

May 1, 2024

CEASE FIRE: Students at USC call for a ceasefire. (Rolling Stone)

Even if you are not a student at USC, there has been groundbreaking news that the class of 2024 will not have a graduation ceremony- even after not having a high school graduation. I think we can all agree that anyone would be furious if they were robbed of two of the biggest graduation ceremonies that they worked for. According to the President of USC, Carol Folt, “Due to security concerns and potential impacts on ceremony logistics, the school canceled the May 10 graduation ceremony.” 

These concerns specifically regard protests that are currently happening on campus. One day after pro-Palestine organizations put together a “Gaza Solidarity Occupation,”  USC announced their unfortunate decision. This event resulted in 93 people getting arrested. 

Students participating in these protests are there to achieve different goals. One to cancel USC’s Israel study abroad program, and another to call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. It is no surprise that this is happening towards the end of the semester, in April. The weather is nice, and it is almost the end of the school year.

Some have mixed opinions on whether or not it was fair for USC to cancel this year’s graduation. Junior Liam Carroll said “I understand where this year’s class is coming from- they didn’t have a real high school graduation and now they won’t have a college graduation either. But it is also for a good cause.”

In agreement, Junior Isaiah Johnson said “It must be hard to miss out on both graduations, and I can see why some students are frustrated. The cause is valid, though.”

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