The pandemic band-aid

Harrison York | Editor-in-Chief February 25, 2022 On February 15, California’s indoor mask mandate expired. Students, however, are still forced to wear them six hours a day in the classroom. And unlike the statewide mandate, […]

Trial over restrictive new Florida voting laws

Cassidy O’Toner | Writer February 6, 2022 The Florida GOP strikes again! Who are the victims? Minority and working-class voters. Who’s surprised? No one.  Starting as the result of a rapid string of lawsuits, the […]

Why you shouldn’t drive to school

Robert Schumacher | Writer January 21, 2022 A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year, which is over 50% of an average household’s annual CO2 emissions. This means that […]

Euphoria returns with a bang

Amy Parr | Head Editor January 14, 2022 Euphoria premiered over two years ago and shocked its primarily teenaged audience with an overwhelming prevalence of graphic nudity and drug use. The show revolves around Rue, […]

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