Starbucks in their downfall

Sienna Taus | Student Life Editor May 21, 2024 In the past year, Starbucks has faced numerous challenges as a company that shape how the company operates and how it is viewed by the public. […]

Wonderfront Festival review

Claire Pham | News Editor May 21, 2024 This past weekend, the 3rd ever Wonderfront Music Festival took place in San Diego. Wonderfront debuted in 2019, was canceled due to COVID-19 in 2020 and 2021, […]

What really is divesting?

Blake McAlpin | Student Life Editor May 21, 2024 The recent protests on college campuses across America have drawn attention to a somewhat obscure word. Defined by Merriam-Webster, the term divesting means “to take something away from […]

Prom then and now

Chloe Gerhard | Writer May 21, 2024 Prom is a night to remember filled with dancing, music, and lasting memories. Its initial concept may be timeless. However, this American rite of passage has had many […]

Sophia Pinon – Triton of the Year

Sophie Rapeepat | Head Editor May 11, 2024 Congratulations to Sophia Pinon, who was announced the Triton of the Year at the 2024 Senior Awards Ceremony! This award is one of the most prestigious recognitions at […]

Dealing with stress before finals week

Arantza Villarroel | Writer May 9, 2024 Finals week will start in the blink of an eye, and as students our main responsibility is to prepare, both subject-wise, but also mentally. Such an exhausting week […]

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