By Danielle Generaux | Student Life Editor
October 4, 2020
Finally, San Clemente High School can go back to in-person school with the 50/50 learning schedule on Tuesday, October 13. But how is going back to school going to work? Some students, like junior Evan Lipofsky, are “concerned about virtual days where the teachers will likely pay more attention to in-person students.” Others are lamenting how they “have just started getting the hang of online learning and the bell schedule” as senior Aviana Reynard said. Adding to this confusion, students might forget the classes they have on a particular day and what days they have to come to school. However, many students are keeping a positive outlook on the new changes. “I know a lot of people are looking forward to it and I think once we get into the swing of things, it will be a lot easier,” Reynard said.
The Groups:
There are two groups: Blue and Gold. There’s also Program A and Program B. Blue and Gold groups are assigned to each student, while each student chose which program they were opting into. Blue and Gold groups that are Program A are going back to school 50/50, which is the majority of the school. Blue and Gold groups that are Program B are 100% online. Program A receives 50% live time with the teacher and 50% independent learning at home. Both programs are using the same curriculum, which includes Apex, UC Scout, and CUSD modules. Both Programs are also using the same structure, which is a combination of direct instruction (either through on-campus lectures or online video calls) and also independent learning that is supported by the teacher and completed by the student at home.
The Schedule:
San Clemente High School released their reopening hybrid calendar that, at first glance, is a bit confusing. Each Monday, students will go to school online and follow the traditional bell schedule, which includes every period except zero period. For the rest of the week, students will alternate between in-person and online class following a block bell schedule. This block schedule will place periods back to back, unlike the current block schedule. For example, in the first week students return (October 12-16), students will attend periods 0, 2, 4, and 6 on Tuesday and Wednesday and periods 0, 1, 3 and 5 on Thursday and Friday. Each week, the Blue and Gold groups alternate between Tuesday and Wednesday (period 0, 2, 4, 6 days) and Thursday and Friday (period 0, 1, 3, 5 days). For the PDF of the SCHS school fall reopening schedule and bell schedule, go to San Clemente High School’s website.

Switching Programs:
According to CUSD, families must commit to either Program A or B and must “remain with that option until the end of a formal grading period.” For elementary students, this extends to the trimester breaks, which are November 2, 2020 and February 22, 2021. For middle and high school students, this extends to “quarterly, progress reporting periods, or semester break.” CUSD also made it clear that if a student in Program A has to be quarantined due to a positive COVID-19 test or because of exposure to COVID-19, the student will be “moved to online independent study until they are able to return to campus.”
Scenario 1: Middle or High School Student in Program B (100% Online Learning)
Beginning of the Week: Every student will receive the complete list of assignments in Canvas. Students will know when each assignment is due, when each assignment should be started, and how they should submit assignments. The student will also be informed which online learning platforms should be used, including Google Meet or Zoom.
Each Period: Every day, students will join an online learning platform where their teacher will inform them of the agenda for that day. Depending on how a certain teacher chooses to instruct their students, students may or may not stay on the online platform for the entire period.
Teacher Communication: Throughout the week, teachers will monitor students’ assignments in progress that they are expected to complete during the week. Teachers will be communicating with both students and parents for their expectations of each class period. They will continue using Canvas to communicate and post assignments throughout the week.
Each Day: Students will meet on their online platforms at a designated time according to the school schedule (explained above). Students will use this bell schedule to navigate their class schedule, which will change every week. Each class will record attendance, and students can reach their teachers between periods and tutorial.
Workload: Teachers will record students’ grades through Canvas. Throughout the week, students have the opportunity to complete their assignments. Note that teachers will use programs including Apex (an online course curriculum) and Conceptual Academy (online science labs), but will still post grades on Canvas.

Scenario 2: Student in Program A (50% Online and 50% in person)
Before Arriving: Every student’s temperature must be checked before each day of school. In order to attend school, the student must be feeling well and have a temperature lower than 100.3 degrees. If the student does not meet these requirements, they will not be allowed to attend school. For students taking the bus, the bus driver will take each passenger’s temperature before allowing people to enter the bus. For this reason, CUSD states that parents must stay with children at the bus stop until they are cleared to enter the bus.
Arriving at School: Once students arrive, each must enter wearing facial mask coverings and socially distance themselves from other people. Students will go to “their assigned spot in their class line,” which is marked with “distancing dots” on the ground, and face forward. Signs have been posted to remind students to socially distance, wear their masks, and wash their hands. At the entrance of the campus, students can use portable hand washing stations.

During In-Person Learning: In each classroom, about 16 students sit facing forward at their assigned desks, which are in rows six feet apart. Students must bring their own computer and their own school supplies in order to minimize the spread of germs between people. Students will remain in the same classroom for the entire period unless their teacher allows them to leave for a specifically stated reason.

Lunch and Leaving Campus: While students are at lunch, custodians and teachers will wipe down common surfaces, which include light switches, sink handles, tables door handles, and bathroom surfaces. During lunch, students will wash their hands and eat outside properly socially distanced. Note that students are allowed to take off their masks outside if they are observing proper social distancing.
Dismissal: Students are reminded to socially distance and to wash their hands when leaving or waiting to leave campus. If adults come onto campus for any reason, they are required to wear facial coverings.
For more information about Capo Unified School District’s plan to reopen, including FAQs and a more in-depth information, go to this link.
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