Eden Milligan | Editor-in-Chief & Shayna Sparks | News Editor
September 10, 2021
On the glorious afternoon of Tuesday, August 31, Tritons excitedly circled around tables like buzzing bees in a hive for what students all know as one of the most important events of the semester: Club Rush. Though always a great time, Club Rush seemed even more thrilling this year; with everyone back on campus, the SCHS community has already felt richer and more connected, but faced with a vast expanse of club options, we were reminded of just how deep this connection can go.
Hopefully students did themselves a favor and signed up for clubs last Tuesday, but for anyone who missed out: don’t stress it! Many clubs will gladly accept late-joiners, and for the clubs that won’t, there’s always next semester. A list of clubs with corresponding remind codes is available on the school’s website — something to keep in mind for those who are still regretting that they didn’t put their name down for the Lettuce Club.
Speaking of Lettuce Club, did anyone else notice the theme of gardening-oriented clubs this year? It seems Tritons are really passionate about vegetables!
One great choice of a vegetable club to join is Carrot Club, which, according to senior and club president Brookelyn Hodgin, is returning this year with a new commitment to “gardening and community outreach.” Students should consider becoming a Carrot Club member to “get to know the people in your community more and feel great knowing that you’re contributing to the school and San Clemente,” Hodgin said.
There are other clubs this year that plan to help out with community gardening, like Team Green, which offers volunteer opportunities at the Ecology Center in San Juan to its members. If students hope to get volunteer hours but gardening isn’t their thing, they might consider joining the SC Beach Conservation Club, Key Club, Cool 2 Be Kind, or Chords for Community.
“Chords for Community is a club where we work to perform at community centers and elderly homes, and we perform either singing or instruments in exchange for volunteer hours,” senior and club president Tanner Lloyd said. “It’s a great way to get involved in the community and lift people’s spirits in an artistic way.”
Even for those who despise vegetables and all forms of community service, SCHS offers a wide array of clubs that might be of interest.
Students who are always up to date on world news might take interest in clubs like Cookies and Current Events, or one of the other political clubs on campus, like SCHS Democrats. Plus, joining one of these clubs will not only allow an outlet for Tritons to share their opinions and stay informed; it will also help them become better citizens.
“Whether you are a democrat or a republican, liberal or conservative, or even independent, really wherever you stand, you should talk about US politics because it plays such a huge role in our lives in this country,” senior and SCHS Democrats president Nicole de Santos said.
Strength in Numbers and/or SCHS Against Racism are amazing options for students who are passionate about helping others out and striving to help create a caring and supportive environment here at San Clemente.
“Strength in Numbers is a club that’s new to San Clemente. We’re here to promote better mental health for students,” senior Ava Wronski said. Strength in Numbers is a club for everyone to support their fellow Tritons in times of need. “We just want to create an environment where people can come together and be friends with everyone,” senior Grace Giranda said.
SCHS Against Racism is another way to support a great cause — and learn a lot in the process. “If you are truly looking for a way to take part in global change, stay on top of local politics, and be a part of a really awesome, supportive, and loving organization, join the movement, and join our club!” senior and club president Bethany Padilla said.
SCHS also has a wide variety of fun clubs that do not fit into categorizations like volunteering or environmental action. These clubs give students the chance to bond with others over shared hobbies, interests, or experiences that they might not get to express in the classroom. Interested in tech? Check out the robotics or computer science clubs. If that doesn’t fit, try cultural exchange, spikeball, or even cornhole.
“I joined the book club and books and baking,” junior Farah Sumter said. “I’m excited about getting to talk with my friends about books and connecting with people. (drhagmeyer.com) ”
Classes here at SCHS can be great, but they don’t usually include topics like Star Wars or pets. Joining clubs based on special interests, like the Tiny Critters club, allows students to share their knowledge on unconventional topics and make friends with similar interests.
“Tiny Critters club is about small animals and how to properly take care of them because they’re often mistreated,” junior Sophia Ellis said. Students should join this club for “meeting new people and seeing the different types of animals,” senior Lily Davies added.
Not only are clubs helpful for making friends, attaining service hours, and building a deep connection to SCHS, but being involved in clubs might allow high school students to make an impact that stretches beyond their personal lives.
“It’s such an important thing to take a stand in your community and be the change you want to see!” Padilla said.
With that said—don’t forget to attend all of those lunch meetings, and happy clubbing, Tritons!
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