Sophie Rapeepat – Head Editor

Sophie Rapeepat is a senior in her second year writing for the Triton Times. She’s passionate about Link Crew and the violin, and she plays varsity tennis for the school team. In her free time, she loves hiking with her dogs, taking van trips, and munching new foods with friends. She plans on attending a four-year university to study neuroscience and philosophy. Sophie is excited to be back and can’t wait for a great year!

Sophia Pinon – Triton of the Year

Earth Day is every day!

Letter from a killer

Why you should join newspaper

Behind the scenes of “Every 15 Minutes”

Is it bad to bully celebrities?

What makes a “good” person?

Is what we learn in school applicable to the real world?

Psychedelics: from counterculture to mainstream medicine

The Supreme Court’s new Code of Conduct is a joke

Best of SC: Smoothie

Pasta and Perfection

The disappointment conundrum

Murder? Or “death with dignity”

The wealth of ideas: unraveling the philosophical web of economics

The rules of morality

Why being unique is overrated

Senior spotlight: Raveena Khetarpal

Breaking News: City council solves coastal erosion

The “New Kid” experience

Harvard Model Congress trip

The rise of digital tip jars and guilt tripping

Fight cyber crime: romance scammers

#MLKDay brings out all the virtue signalers

Winter Extravaganza Concert 2022

Best bakery: Chaupain Bakery

Finals week and mental health

SCHS Homecoming 2022 arcade for the win!

Is sportsmanship dying?

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