10 Hilarious Halloween Costume Ideas

By: Julia Wilson  | Sports Editor October 11, 2o18 The Halloween season, to many, is a time to spook and scare. However, sometimes the best costumes aren’t the ones that inspire fear, they’re the funny […]

Car Chronicles: Lamborghini Newport Beach

By: Eva Gardner | Photographer October 12, 2018 Looking for a car show that’s adult, kid, AND dog-friendly? This is the show for you. Lamborghini Newport Beach, located in Costa Mesa, shows off its many […]

Book Review: “The Sun Also Rises”

By: Oyuky Bahena | Writer/Media Team October 11th, 2018 If there’s anything English class has taught students, it’s that some novels are simply just classics. Whether it be The Catcher in the Rye or To Kill A […]

Presidential Alert: Success or Failure?

By: Nina Kanani | Writer October 11, 2018 On October 3, 250 million people nationwide opened their cell phones to an unexpected message. For the first time in our history, the president directly messaged the […]

Unemployment Rate Falls To Lowest Since 1969

By: Adeeb Bayat | Writer October 11th, 2018 Unemployment rates fell 0.2% to 3.7% this September, the lowest unemployment rate since October 1969. After a huge growth in unemployment during the economic recession of 2008, […]

Why Now and Does it Matter

By: Lang Csira | Writer October 10, 2018 As a fifteen-year-old girl, I cannot begin to convey the horror that Christine Basely Ford must have experienced. The general disrespect for women, which all women experience, […]

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