Will Breonna Taylor ever have justice?

By Eden Milligan | Head Editor September 21, 2020 She is everywhere. Her face is on basketball courts and billboards and protest signs. Her name is on petitions and hashtags and tee-shirts worn by celebrities. […]

Masks: an American political issue

By: Kaitlyn Harsey | Editor & Jill Greene | Editor  Many believe that wearing a face mask and social distancing will reduce the spread of COVID-19, while others value their own well being over the […]

NBA boycotts: the road to change

By: Ben Cooper | Writer & Seth Hahn | Writer  September 10, 2020 “[explicit] THIS MAN!!!!! WE DEMAND CHANGE. SICK OF IT,” Lakers Star LeBron James said August 26, on Twitter, as his team battled […]

Why are so many people leaving California?

  Bye-bye California: More and more golden sate residents are deciding to move away for good. Photo by ©SFGate By: Jack Harris | Writer September 9, 2020 California is the golden state: the place where […]

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