It’s officially college application season: here are some tips and tricks

APPLICATIONS: Seniors begin to stress about applying to colleges. (College Tranitions)

Claire Hedger | Arts & Entertainment Editor/Social Media Manager

September 14, 2023

As the weather begins to cool and the leaves begin to fall, seniors all across the world head into the most important parts of their teenage years: college applications. While the process can be exciting, it is also filled with dozens of deadlines, essays, and decisions. Although, the process does not have to be overwhelming.

Here are some tips and tricks on how to navigate through the process as smoothly as possible. 

The first step to college applications is simply finding colleges that interest you. Think of your college list as a balanced meal – you want a bit of everything. Include safety schools (where your grades and test scores are above average), match schools (where you’re on par with the average student), and reach schools (where it’s a bit of a stretch). It’s all about finding the right fit for you.

“It took me a while to make my college list,” said senior Addie Flynn. “But in the end it was worth it.”

COLLEGE: There are hundreds of different colleges all around the country. (The Roar)

Next it is important to stay organized. Keeping everything in one place is a game-changer. Make sure your transcripts, test scores, recommendation letters, and a well-structured resume are easily accessible. A little organization goes a long way.

Another important thing to remember is your essays! Your personal essay is your chance to let your personality shine through. Start early, revise often, and don’t hesitate to ask teachers, friends, or mentors for feedback. Use your essay to show why you’re a perfect fit for each college.

Don’t let finances hold you back. Research scholarships and financial aid opportunities early on. Complete the FAFSA and any other required forms well before the deadlines. Keep a checklist to track the status of each application, including whether transcripts and recommendation letters have been received. Staying organized ensures your applications are complete.

“The college application process is so draining, but I know it will be worth it in the end,” commented senior Ayla Basaites.

It’s natural to feel a little stressed, but with these real-life tips and tricks, you’re better prepared to navigate the path towards your dreams. 

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