Blake McAlpin | Student Life Editor
May 3, 2024
Towards the end of each school year, San Clemente High puts on a Senior Week. During Senior Week, each day has a dress-up theme that coincides with activities during the school day. It is generally a light-hearted fun week, but this year the themes that were chosen have created controversy amongst the student body.
Senior Week is scheduled for May 13th through 17th and themes for each day are already planned. Monday the 13th is “commitment day” for all those who plan on attending a university or other institution next year to represent their plans. Tuesday the 14th is career day. Wednesday the 15th is senior citizen day, meaning dress up like an elderly person. Thursday the 16th is a crazy hair day! And finally, Friday the 17th is Zoom fit day.
The most controversial of the few have been Crazy Hair Day and Zoom fits. Crazy Hair Day is very nostalgic, as for some it was one of the most exciting days of the year when we were in elementary school. Some creative ideas people could do for Crazy Hair Day are dying their hair a fun color or styling it uniquely. Zoom Fit Day has been controversial because of the confusion surrounding its description. Zoom fits are when people dress up in a nice shirt or top and then more casual pants because when you are on a Zoom call it is common to only be dressed “half-nice”.
I was curious as to why these days may be controversial because of their light-hearted and nostalgic backgrounds. Senior Maggie Greene reported “I love the Zoom fit day. I think that it is funny. It’s a little exaggerated because like nobody wore nice shirts when we had school on Zoom but I like the idea.” She continued with, “Crazy hair day is a fun idea, it’s just unrealistic. When we were in elementary school it was super fun but now it’s like everyone cares too much about what they look like every day. I’m gonna dress up but I wouldn’t be surprised if people don’t do crazy hair day.”
The themes may be controversial, but because they have been advertised they are set in stone. Student voices are extremely important and, unfortunately, some students feel as if their voices aren’t being heard on the matter. For the future, taking polls and votes to diplomatically decide on themed spirit days would be likely to prevent this from happening again.
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