Senior Farewell Address

By: Gabe Govi | Multimedia April 15, 2019 ALL SENIORS have the opportunity to audition to give a 1-2 minute speech during graduation as part of the farewell address. You must be the “scholar of scholars” to […]

Why are people flipping their shoes

By, Lexi Kortman | Writer March 22, 2019 Somehow, humanity keeps upping the ante with the various things it’s able to say “always land a certain side down.” There was toast, which always lands butter-side […]

Crisis on the tarmac: 737 MAXs grounded

Lion Air’s 737 MAX on the tarmac ( By: Jason Keany | Editor In Chief March 13, 2019 Following a deadly crash in Ethiopia and increasing public pressure, the FAA grounded all 737 MAX airplanes […]

Daylight Savings one last time?

The dreary sight of red neon starring back into your sleep-deprived eyes. Daylight savings is here once more, but leaving soon, we hope. By: Julia Wilson | Sports Editor March 15, 2019 This past Sunday, […]

When should you visit college?

Courtney McDonald | Student Life Editor March 15, 2019 This time of year is extremely stressful for high school seniors. College admissions decisions are slowly trickling in through the month of March, and many students […]

The racial divide across our campus

By: Flynn Lloyd | Editor in Chief March 15, 2019 It is no secret that San Clemente High School consists of a predominantly white community. Students have been surrounded by people similar to their own […]

Varsity Blues: what we know now

By: Carli Lawrence | Writer March 15, 2019 A few days ago, news surfaced addressing the largest college admissions cheating scandal in American history, leaving millions of Americans in shock. As many as 50 parents […]

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