Teachers vs. Field Trips

By: Kaitlyn Harsey | Writer March 4, 2020 Every once in a while, students are faced with an ultimatum: going on an unforgettable field trip or missing their classes. For example, Mr. and Mrs. Kerr […]

6 superfoods your body needs

By: Maile Benumof | Writer February 28, 2020 Nutritionally speaking, there is no such thing as a superfood. The term was only coined for marketing purposes to sell food products and influence trends. The label […]

Bloomberg’s debut debate: a rocky start

By: Mia Costales | Writer February 21, 2020 Former New York mayor, Michael Bloomberg, made his first appearance at the ninth Democratic Debate on Wednesday and not without obvious criticism from the other Democratic candidates. […]

2020 is off to a terrible start

By: Kaitlyn Harsey | Writer February 6, 2020 2020 is off to a terrible start and there’s no doubt about it.   So far in 2020, we have suffered from natural disasters, disease outbreaks, and deaths of […]

Democratic Rebuttal to SOTU Speech

By Jane Moran | Writer  February 6, 2020 On Tuesday, February 4, President Trump gave his possibly final State of The Union speech to almost 50 million viewers. Trump spoke proudly about his promises and […]

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