Myanmar en tumulto

Keith Hoffmeister | Escribador 15 de Febrero, 2021 El 4 de diciembre de 2020, Aung San Suu Kyi ganó las elecciones democráticas de Myanmar. Era una de las elecciones más libres y justas que el […]

Best park to go to at 12 am: Pirate Park

Maxine Davey | Editor in Chief March 12, 2021 You’re driving around aimlessly with a few friends. Maybe you just experienced the best customer service San Clemente has to offer at Chick-fil-a, or just got […]

Best customer service: Chick-fil-a

Nothing is better than Chick-fil-a San Clemente! Photo by Grace Perry Grace Parry | Writer San Clemente has plenty of restaurants and, along with that, many with great customer service. It was decided that Starbucks […]

Best smoothie: Juice Stop

BEST SMOOTHIE IN SC: Juice Stop, located at 641D Camino De Los Mares. Mia Costales/Triton Times Mia Costales | News Editor March 15, 2021 After a long day at school, a grueling practice, or if […]

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