Bored? Here are six must-watchables on Netflix

By: Amanda Cichewicz | Photographer April 26, 2019 Everyone is always in need of Netflix suggestions. People seem to be constantly searching for new shows on Netflix, especially after finishing their favorite shows. Six shows/movies […]

Daisy Court 2019

By: Francesca Best | Writer April 30, 2019 Interested in being a part of the 2019 graduation ceremony? Join the daisy court! The daisy court has been a tradition at San Clemente High School for […]

Teacher Profile: Mr. Salgado

By: Lexi Kortman | Writer April 30, 2019 Mr. Salgado is in his first year of teaching at San Clemente High School, but he has been student teaching here since 2016. Despite only being here […]

Sustainable branding can do more harm than good

By: Savi Raghuraman | News Editor April 26, 2019 Constant and increasing media coverage of the impending effects of climate change have defined environmental consciousness as one of the key values of many forward-thinking Americans, […]

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