What are YOU thankful for?

By: Eva Barreira | Photographer November 7, 2018 The Roman lawyer Cicero once wrote, “A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, it is the parent of all virtues.”  How amazing is it that […]

Get out and vote!

By: Flynn Lloyd | Editor in Chief 26 October 2018 As teenagers, the effects of elections and the current political and economic atmosphere aren’t always directly impacting our day to day lives. Most students feel […]

Mr. Hitchcock: The new man on campus

By: Amanda Cichewicz and Jorjiana Haumea | Photographers October 23, 2018 San Clemente High School gained a new teacher this year, Mr. Hitchcock. Hailing from UCLA and only 25 years old, the baseball coach also […]

Ladies Show Off HoCo Fashion

By: Sofia Helmle | Writer October 11, 2018 This past Saturday, hundreds of Tritons gathered in the gym to celebrate our 2018 Homecoming. Being the first dance of the new school year, homecoming can put […]

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